• +234 816 830 8826, +234 815 626 0257
  • info@nosdra.gov.ng

Departments - NOSDRA

  • The responsibilities of the department include post-spill activities from review of oil spill notification reports through Risk Based Assessment (RBA) for oil spill incidences to site clean-up/ remediation assessment
  • Oil Field Assessment Department is further responsible for mapping, tracking and inventory of oil spill incidents on the Nigerian Oil Spill Monitor which is available at www.oilspillmonitor.ng
  • Oil Field Assessment Department also coordinates the activities of the Zonal Offices of the Agency, monitors environmental compliance, reviews community/ public complaints and laboratory analyses reports
  • The responsibility of this department include budget planning, budget monitoring and evaluation, liaising with National Assembly/Budget Office of the Federation/National Planning Commission. They are involved in coordination of matters on MTSS, Vision 20:2020, NEEDS, MDGs, National Development Plan, Gender Issues etc. They monitor and evaluate projects/program and also the coordination of inter-departmental matters on performance monitoring
  • The Asset Safety & Mitigation (ASM) Department was created on the 22nd June, 2011 following the restructuring of the Agency. It comprises of three units namely Facility Asset Monitoring (FAM); Facility Operations and Monitoring (FOM); and Risk Assessment and Hazard Analysis (RAHA) in order to perform series of activities like inventory/audit of oil spill response facilities, floating production storage, off load/deck and flow, station clean-up permit, dispersant’s permit, oil tank farms facility monitoring, activation of OSCP and spill drill exercises and pipeline integrity monitoring
  • Finance and Account Department is responsible for the Central Pay Office or Cash Office, Final Accounts, Vote Book/Advances, Bank Reconciliation, Payroll, and Checking Unit within the Agency
  • The existence of the Department makes the Accountant more efficient and effective in carrying out their individual duties and assignments
  • The department of Human Resources Management is responsible for managing human resources in order to maximize productivity within the Agency. It oversees appointments, promotions, Staff welfare, discipline, employee benefits, recruitment, training and development, postings and transfers, performance appraisal and rewarding among others
  • The department of General Services is responsible for Transport Administration, Utility Services, Store Management, Facility Management, Maintenance Management, Office Accommodation/Office allocation, Security and Cleaning Management
The Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Department in NOSDRA was established in October, 2022, in line with the National Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Policy as approved by the Federal Executive Council, the Office of the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation (OHCSF).
Based on ISO45001, the operation of the OH&S Management System will enable the Agency to improve its OH&S performance by carrying out some of the following functions;
  • To develop, implement and periodically update the OSH policy and OSH objectives for the Agency. The implementation of this policy will be in line with the working Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) already developed by the Agency towards the same goal.
  • To establish systematic processes which take into account the risks involved in carrying out our day-to-day activities, and their legal implications and other requirements. This would require stakeholder engagement with all Departments within the Agency, in building a functional OSH and Emergency Management System.
  • To determine the hazards and OSH risks associated with its activities and seeking to possibly eliminate them or putting in controls to minimize their potential effect within reasonably practicable means. This will be optimized by carrying out a Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and OSH audit of the work place and preparing an OSH Assessment report. Documents such as checklists, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual reports, incident and accident logs, drill reports, permits and etc. will be developed.
  • To establish operational controls to manage OSH risks highlighted from Stakeholder consultation and the proposed Hazard Identification and OSH audit carried out. To liaise with the legal department on the legal implications and other requirements.
  • To increase awareness of its OSH risks by creating sensitization programs to improve the OSH culture. Tools to be employed include;
  • use of signages and posters,
  • regular toolbox talks,
  • workshops or trainings and retraining on emergency response, fire safety, first aid and etc.
  •  To evaluate the Agency’s OSH performance and seeking to improve it through taking appropriate action. This OSH Assessment working document prepared will serve as a template, which can be reviewed every two (2) to three (3) years, or as Management deems fit.
  • To ensure workers take active role in OSH matters. This will be by the establishment of an OSH committee, where there will be active participation and representation of at least one (1) member of every Department. This will aid the successful dissemination of information and improve the general OSH culture within the Agency.
  • To liaise with General Services and Procurement Department during procurement of Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) to ensure that appropriate, industry-standard PPEs are purchased for the various tasks within the workforce.
  • To assign the expiry date of PPE’s purchased according to usage. To ensure there is a uniform standard for usage of PPE’s.

To establish and incorporate a Health, Safety and Environment Management System (HSE-MS) to enhance a successful and smooth-running safety culture in the work place, which clearly defines the latest protocols, safety standards and other key documents to stakeholders in line with global best practice

SID is a creation of the office of the Head of Service of the Federations’ circular of 28th August 2020 with reference number OHCSF/SPSO/1299/T1/45 and was inaugurated as a department on 26th July 2022.

As the name (SID) suggests, the Departments cardinal mandate is spearheading the Agency’s process, enhancement, initiatives relevant to the Agency’s statutory responsibilities in the areas of oil spill detection and response action. While the department strives to enhance and champion groundbreaking innovations relevant to all areas of the Agency’s mandate, it shall aggressively evaluate and re-appraise the Agency’s existing approaches in all the agency’s Departments and Units on an ongoing basis with the view to exploring how the Agency can carry out its mandate more efficiently and more effectively.

Research and wide range collaboration with stakeholders in the Academia, Industry and International Organizations, other Government Agencies and the regulated community remain pivotal to the SID’s approach for the attainment of its mandate.